Saturday, November 17, 2007

Chester Lake

Karl put his foot down on Friday and organized an outing to K-country...maybe we wouldn't ski, but at least we could get a feel of the white stuff under foot...

We weren't sure how the contraption below was going to work until we reached the Chester lake parking lot. It took a physio, neuroscientist, photographer, and doctor to reach the final product. This involved some material that was not rented from U of C, including a kayak roof strap, carabeener, and Jack's car seat. He made well for the first leg. Unfortunately, he wanted no part of it for the trip down, and decided he would rather ride in my arms.

Jack and Jill coming up the hill.

The Kiwis were damn happy to hit the ski trails again.

Al was MVP for pulling two kids up the hill. He received no trophy, but was the lucky recipient of a landjager sausage.

Proud dad of a back-country "sledder"

Friday, November 9, 2007

Rollin', Rollin', Rollin'...for the folks at home.

The little man can really get onto his belly...unfortunately he hasn't figured out how to get back yet