The little man is walking!

Hiking with Brian and Heemsy

Tracher's Weding
It was aquick trip to Lake Placid New York for Tracher's wedding. It was worth any travel stress to get a chance to hang out with great friends and my folks....En route to Placid we got to hang with Kath, Rob and Olivia. Thanks for everything!

Good looking crew here...I think we could still pass as freshmen at Brown...Just don't look at the top of our heads...

Mom and dad at the cocktail party.

The day before the wedding

Verse and Sepi looking good...

Token Stampede pic

Jack and Chloe's birthday's
Jack and Chloe were born two days apart...shortly following a 13 km hike by their mothers

Three days of camping with Jack...can't say it was always easy, but it was memorable for us, and we got some beautiful hikes in.

Lake Louise...just an "easy walk" through the death trap away from Abbot Pass